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entry no.00002: re-entry and evacuation

Published: 2022, Feburary 14th

it's been a little bit. still haven't gotten around to changing around the code of the site (will get to that eventually)

currently i'm looking at my options 4 music. been paying 10 bucks a month for spotify, and while it's very nice, i am also strapped for cash and need more money for some equipment for my cameras + film development. i already quit the subscription and am looking at alternatives. vlc on my phone allows me to log into google drive to get files, so i could pay 3 a month for 200 gigs of storage i can put music on + additional space for other shit i wanna store. it also allows me to access Plex servers, so i might just do that instead. i would get a mega.nz subscription but vlc = stupid and doesn't let me for some reason. prob security.

that's about all for now. will update on how the pirate lifestyle develops. (p.s. download soulseek. it is one of the best programs ever made)

- localstalwart

entry no.00001: once more unto the breach

Published: 2022, January 25th

i should start this off by admitting that practically all the code for this website was copy pasted from mochiguma.neocities.org, someone's old diary that now appears to be defunct. i liked the design and the man behind it seems to be gone, so i plundered it. apologies, it will not be like this forever. his plan, or rather chigu's plan, was to use that website as a journal and little else. i plan to also use this as a journal, although i'd like to add my own sections of the site dedicated to certain topics or media i'd like to archive.

i'm writing this at very late hours of the night, about 3 in the morning central time if that means anything to you. i wont be working on this website for much longer tonight as i have some other work to do, but know that i do not wish to abandon this project. this very well seems like something i could do and have wanted to do for sometime, but have simply never had the resources to do so. mr. chigu, you've provided me with these resources in the form of your source code, even if most of yours was plundered as well. i do not know if you will ever read this, but you have my eternal gratitude.

good night, and i will be back soon

- localstalwart

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